A Conversation with Artist Sheila Arora
Where do you find inspiration for your work?
I'm influenced by my surroundings. I like to go for long walks where I absorb the colors, shapes and spaces around me. My body is a sponge constantly soaking up my environment, and then allowing those emotions to seep into my work. I don't try to paint my surroundings; rather, I paint what is inside of me. I subconsciously let those feelings flow onto the canvas. I noticed that when I lived in downtown Chicago, my work had a lot of geometric forms because I was surrounded by buildings and structures. When I was painting in Santa Fe, I felt like my paintings reflected the colors and forms of the desert environment.
Why is creating art important to you?
Painting is my most natural form of expression. For me, it's easier than talking. I create art because it gives me a voice. It allows me to say and express what I'm feeling inside. I love discovering what's inside of me too. I'm often surprised by the paintings. I also enjoy sharing my work. It's important for me to be able to share what I create with others. I'm honored to be showing my work at Vivid Art Gallery. I like seeing people smile when they see my work. It's special when a painting can touch someone.
What is a valuable lesson you’ve learned throughout your journey as an artist?
One of the lessons that I've learned as an artist is to never give up. The art world is tough. I've had times where it felt like nothing was happening with showing or selling my work. However, I always kept painting. I believed in my work, and I knew it was good. It's important to believe in your work. It's also important to keep showing up. Sometimes it just takes one lucky break. And, I've had a few. You never know who might find you on Instagram.
If you could describe your work in one word what would it be and why?
I would use the word audacious. I feel like my work has been trending in that direction. It's exciting when a painting can be that messy, childlike, or minimal. I'm a risk-taker when I paint, and I'm always trying to push my paintings more. I had this large 64x64in canvas, and I did some very minimal mark making on the piece. I knew the painting was done. It was the heaviest canvas with the least amount of paint. I remember asking myself, "Can I be that audacious?". Yes, of course.
In what ways does your identity manifest in your work?
The paintings are so me. You can always see my hand in the work. I think this comes through most clearly in the mark-making. The marks are like my own language that I use to communicate on the canvas. I also have a very natural sense of color. I'll go for any and every color palette; the combination and way I use color is unique to me. I've had a lot of people say that they recognize my work without even seeing my name.
What does your creative process look like?
I'm an intuitive painter so I paint what I'm feeling. I don't plan the paintings. I also don't like to be directly influenced by work around me. I like painting from the purest state of my inner being. I'm trying to tap into that space when I paint. I choose colors by what I'm drawn to at that moment. I start a painting by making a mark to activate the surface. I then respond to what is on the canvas. It's a constant process of creating and responding. One mark leads to the next and so forth. I never know what the paintings are going to look like. I keep going until my body doesn't feel the urge to make any more marks. That's when I know I'm done.